Thèmes > Cies de théâtre forain > Ton Und Kirschen > 2021 Der Gefesselte Prometheus (Prométhée enchainé)

2021 Der Gefesselte Prometheus (Prométhée enchainé) / 2021 Lenzen

Mis en ligne le lundi 9 août 2021, par Jean-Pierre Estournet

29 documents

We are an international theatre based near Potsdam. Since the founding of the group sixteen years ago, we have travelled the world, playing for a wide public in popular situations. From chance meetings on this journey, the group has enriched itself with artists of different nationalities. The performers in PERPETUUM MOBILE come from England, Germany, France, Colombia and Australia. It is this cultural diversity that colours our approach to our theatre work

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Mention obligatoire : Licence CC JP Estournet ou Abdoul Aziz Soumaïla